
LOST games can add a lot of joy to your party. Our games are both challenging and interesting. It can strengthen communication and cooperation between everyone. From a puzzle solving to activating mechanisms, it requires everyone to co-operate with each other and use their strengths to complete tasks. LOST Mini Game can be used anywhere, whether it it be birthday parties, anniversaries, school events, or wedding games.

At the birthday party, you can give the birthday person a special surprise. You can also make special arrangements to suit your special occasion. The possibilities are endless, and only limited to your imagination! Time for your mini games from 20 to 60 minutes. Annual events for your company, can involve all the bosses and employees to have a great time. Everyone can play together and increase loyalty. Companies can use our games as a way to distribute and teach information in a fun and engaging way, breaking away from the usual boring classroom style workshops.

In terms of school activities, we have assisted local and international schools to turn their classrooms into escape rooms, adding STEAM elements to enrich the learning experience, use creative puzzles to nurture critical thinking and increase their interest in education. For wedding games, wether it Chinese wedding door games or a game corner at your banquet, you can also use LOST Mini Game and everyone will have a brand new experience normally not seen at weddings. If you are interested, please contact our staff for details.

LOST 遊戲可以為你們的派對增添不少歡樂。我們的遊戲既有挑戰性亦有趣味性,加強大家溝通及合作,從一道令人費解的謎題到精密的機關,要求的是大家互相競技,發揮所長完成任務,既緊張又刺激。無論是生日派對、週年紀念、學校活動、結婚遊戲,LOST Mini Game 也可以大派用場。在生日派對上可以給主角特別驚喜,例如可以將禮物收藏於機關之內,無論在我們分店又或者在你們指定的地方也可以特別安排,豐儉由人,時間由20到60分鐘不等。週年紀念例如公司活動也可以為公司上下所有老闆及員工一同參與,大家可以打成一遍全無隔膜增加忠誠度,公司甚至乎可以將理念或信息透過遊戲方式告訴參與者,打破一般沉悶的課堂式講座,增加記憶性從而提升工作效率。在學校活動方面,我們曾經協助本地及國際學校將課室變成為密室逃脫,加入STEAM元素透過遊戲中學習讓學生自己動手做,運用創作性破解謎題,觸發機關理解箇中科學原理,提升學習興趣。說到結婚遊戲由接新娘、玩新郎到賓客現場遊戲,也可以用LOST Mini Game 及現場所有人一個嶄新的體驗,將一對新人愛的故事透過密室解謎遊戲重新浪漫演繹,之後更加可以讓宴會中的賓客一同參與體驗開心浪漫時刻,極具回憶價值。有興趣的請與我們工作人員聯絡,了解詳情。